Tuesday, September 14

Fakey P's new record

It would be unfair to describe Fake Problems' 'Real Ghosts Caught on Tape' as their latest effort; achievement would be a far more accurate term. In this, a step up from their strong second full-length and by far one of the finest alternative records to find its way across the Atlantic in recent years, the Florida quartet effortlessly transcend any definable genre restrictions, delivering a set of songs that sound as reassuringly familiar as they do bold, honest and unmistakably original. If the songwriting isn't personal, it's a remarkably realistic imitation; in the perhaps ironically self-involved 'Done With Fun' Chris Farren explains "I have some problems, and a hundred excuses why I never solve them", a frustrated sentiment that will surely ring true with more than a handful of the band's dedicated fans. From lines about boredom, drugs, and parties to the obligatory relationship songs, they possess a certain lyrical charm, with the rare ability to portray sadness and childlike hope, without drumming the ears with shameless self-pity as is so often the case with the discussion of such topics. As a record, it makes for great listening and given the chance it could be an easy favourite for many sitting awkwardly between tired indie outfits and run-of-the-mill-punk rock. Fake Problems seem to be something of a secret among much of the music scene, which is, considering the number of potential radio anthems here, a little strange. Maybe it's partly because those who happen upon the near-genius of much of the band's material and unique style are selfishly eager to keep it that way, or perhaps it's the fact that with so many songs presented with the attention-to-detail that has helped to make this band an internationally recognised act, it's often difficult to pick out any standout tracks. No filler here, just good honest Fake Problems.

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