Saturday, December 22


Played my last show of the year last night, a solo set opening for the Moulettes in Guildford. Was quite a busy show, but the audience weren't really in the mood for my whispering. Having gotten used to playing to really chilled, quiet crowds over the last few months, it took some getting used to being accompanied by an ongoing level of chatter from people who were really expecting a night of full bands. Not unenjoyable though, just not sure it's my kind of venue.

Listened back to my radio session from Thursday night, I think I sounded alright. Not bad for a first time. Will upload it to my Soundcloud at some point. It's one of a number of cool adventures I've had this year with le music.

Thanks to all who have checked out The Sea EP, it's good to have a bit more music featuring my sister on the site. She's home for the holidays so there may be even more on the way. No dates booked for next year yet, so going to work away at some new songs and set up some quiet shows for February.

Checked out the new Benjamin Gibbard solo record, it's good! Pretty much what you'd expect, but some good ideas and a great sound to the whole album. Reminds me of the Open Door EP. Can't get 'Duncan, Where Have You Gone?' out of my head.

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