Tuesday, December 4

From a cosy loft

So we played the Firestation Arts Centre in Windsor on Sunday night, in their supremely comfortable loft venue. Support was from the fantastic Cat Dove who rocked her 25 minutes, and I did a 20 minute set with my brother followed by a half hour solo set. Lights low, and a floor covered in bean bags so by the end the small audience were beginning to drift off. Perfect.
Venue served up a mean Americano, so I made the most of this.
Managed to squeeze a few older songs into the set, partly because my brother is more familiar with some of those tunes, but also gave 'Tear in my Heart' its live debut, which meant this set was the first time I'd played all the songs from my last BandCamp EP in a set. This is of relevance only to me, but it's good to know nobody left.
Had a bit of a heckle exchange following some suspicious noises from the back of an otherwise very quiet audience, which was fun. Venue seemed to be filming the set, so this may or may not surface at some point.
Tonight it's a completely solo affair in Oxford, opening up for Polly Scattergood, who by sheer coincidence my brother once did some writing with.

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